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Senin, 19 November 2012

Analisis Segregasi Transgresif dengan Pendekatan Informasi Kekerabatan dalam Analisis Biplot

Berikut ini adalah abstrak dari artikel saya yang telah disampaikan pada Seminar Nasional Perhimpunan Ilmu Pemuliaan Indonesia, bertempat di IPB International Convention Centre (IICC), 6-7 November 2012.


Edizon Jambormias1,2), Surjono Hadi Sutjahjo2), Ahmad Ansori Mattjik3), Yudiwanti Wahyu Endro Kusumo2), Desta Wirnas2
1) Program Studi Agroekoteknologi, Jurusan Budidaya Pertanian, Fakultas Pertanian, Universitas Pattimura, Ambon
2)Departemen Agronomi dan Hortikultura, Fakultas pertanian, IPB
3) Departemen Statistika, FMIPA, IPB.

Simultaneously-early generation selections in self-pollinated crops such as to improvement of yield potential of mungbean depends on the successfully to fixed multiple traits of transgressive segregant. Genetic analysis in this research to obtain the genetic value and genetic variances component base on information from relatives beetween- and within families, to predict the value of broad sense and narrow sense heritability of quantitative traits, to separate the families into multiple variations and uniforms family, to detect the families who has the best multiple performances, and to detect multiple transgressive segregant for yield potential of mungbeans from the pedigree selection experiment in the F3 generation of the Gelatik × Mamasa Lere Butnem cross. Experiment using nested-augmented-completely randomized block design. The results showed: (1) broad sense heritability of quantitative traits of mungbeans was high, but the narrow sense heritability was low, which indicated the influence of dominance in the inheritance of quantitative traits, (2) BLUPWFT biplot analysis, especially analysis of BLUPWFT IQR biplot, can be used to detect multiple of uniform and variation families, (3) BLUPFT biplot analysis can be used to detect the families that have the best multiple performances, (4) Families can be categorized to multiple uniform base on BLUPWFT Biplot analysis and has the best performance BLUPFT Biplot analysis are the transgressive segregant of multiple traits, (5) gains of multiple transgressive segregants enable execution of simultaneous early generation selection in self-pollinated crops.
Keywords: generalized linear mixed models, restriction maximum likelihood, confidence ellipse, recovery information
Tulisan selengkapnya dapat disimak pada tautan berikut:
Tulisan ini terpilih sebagai salah satu dari 8 makalah terbaik kategori Berkala Internasional Terakreditasi, dan dalam tahapan review untuk dipublikasikan pada Jurnal Internasional SABRAO.

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