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Rabu, 15 Februari 2012

Peragaan Grafis GGE-Biplot untuk Evaluasi Keragaan Genotipe-genotipe dan Perubahan Lingkungan Bercekaman di Pulau-pulau Kecil

Berikut ini adalah abstrak tulisan saya pada PROSIDING SEMINAR NASIONAL PENGEMBANGAN PULAU-PULAU KECIL DARI ASPEK PERIKANAN KELAUTAN DAN PERTANIAN di IPB International Convention Centre (IICC), 25 Juni 2011, dilaksanakan oleh Institut Pertanian Bogor dan Persatuan Mahasiswa Maluku (PERMAMA) Bogor.

Tulisan ini merupakan pengembangan dari publikasi saya sebelumnya pada Jurnal Pertanian Kepulauan, dan merupakan tugas akhir saya pada: Mata Ajaran Pemuliaan Tanaman pada Lingkungan Bercekaman di Mayor Pemuliaan dan Bioteknologi Tanaman SPs-IPB.


Evaluation of stability, local adaptation and specific adaptation of genotypes from a Multi-environment Trials (MET) data become more difficult when there is a genotype-by-environment interaction (GEI). GGE Biplot display offers a better solution to evaluate such a tendency, especially to show mega-environment differences included stress mega-environment; biologically and agronomically stability, local adaptation and environment-specific adaptation and to evaluate the trial environment whether a mega-environment is representative as a suitable environment and possibility of degradation of an optimum environment to stress environment in small islands. Data analysis was initiated by singular value decomposition (SVD) of the genotypes × environment cross tabulation data. The Singular value and principal component scores was used to generate a biplot curve between the first principal component (PC1) and the second principal component (PC2). The results of the data analysis will be showed: 1) there were the different of mega-environments included stress mega-environment, 2) The genotype(s) that agronomically and biologically stable, 3) The genotype(s) showed local adaptation at each mega-environment, 4) The genotype(s) showed specific adaptation to a stress environment, and 5) Environment that was suitable for increasing plant yield so that the mega-environment the contained these environments represented a trial environment, included possibility of degradation of an optimum environment to stress environment.

Keywords: GGE biplot, stability, local adaptation, specific adaptation, MET data

Tuliasan selengkapnya dapat diikuti pada tautan berikut ini:

Evaluasi Stabilias, Adaptasi Lokal dan Spesifik pada Lingkungan Bercekaman 

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