Tulisan ini merupakan pengembangan dari publikasi saya sebelumnya pada Jurnal Pertanian Kepulauan, dan merupakan tugas akhir saya pada: Mata Ajaran Pemuliaan Tanaman pada Lingkungan Bercekaman di Mayor Pemuliaan dan Bioteknologi Tanaman SPs-IPB.
Evaluation of stability, local adaptation and specific adaptation of genotypes from a Multi-environment Trials (MET) data become more difficult when there is a genotype-by-environment interaction (GEI). GGE Biplot display offers a better solution to evaluate such a tendency, especially to show mega-environment differences included stress mega-environment; biologically and agronomically stability, local adaptation and environment-specific adaptation and to evaluate the trial environment whether a mega-environment is representative as a suitable environment and possibility of degradation of an optimum environment to stress environment in small islands. Data analysis was initiated by singular value decomposition (SVD) of the genotypes × environment cross tabulation data. The Singular value and principal component scores was used to generate a biplot curve between the first principal component (PC1) and the second principal component (PC2). The results of the data analysis will be showed: 1) there were the different of mega-environments included stress mega-environment, 2) The genotype(s) that agronomically and biologically stable, 3) The genotype(s) showed local adaptation at each mega-environment, 4) The genotype(s) showed specific adaptation to a stress environment, and 5) Environment that was suitable for increasing plant yield so that the mega-environment the contained these environments represented a trial environment, included possibility of degradation of an optimum environment to stress environment.
Keywords: GGE biplot, stability, local adaptation, specific adaptation, MET data
Tuliasan selengkapnya dapat diikuti pada tautan berikut ini:
Evaluasi Stabilias, Adaptasi Lokal dan Spesifik pada Lingkungan Bercekaman